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Saral Mortgage LoansSimplifying the path to business progress

Image of a person holding a bunch of green crops in his hand

Rupee Note
Rupee Note

In Tier-3 towns of rural India, documentation and processing for loans can become a great challenge for small and medium businesses.

As a result, small-town businesses often lack access to financing, which hurts their growth and the rural economy. We aim to help them overcome these obstacles with our Saral Mortgage Loans.

Fruits and Vegetables in wooden boxes

A unique offering crafted by Moneyboxx, honed through years of experience serving its target segment.

Moneyboxx makes getting loans easier, especially in smaller cities and towns. Our Saral Mortgage Loan skips the heavy paperwork and credit score checks often required by other lenders. This means anyone, including those without a credit history or a lower score, can qualify. Saral Mortgage Loans are particularly supportive of women entrepreneurs, encouraging them to work towards achieving the future of their dreams!

Moneyboxx employee with their female customer showing approved status